We are delighted to finally confirm, following Government’s confirmation, that the shop will
re-open in full from
Tuesday 13th April.
We will be open Tuesdays through to Saturdays
Please see the website for opening hours
We are now well adapted to making our shop a safe and comfortable environment. Plexi-screens are on all serving surfaces and both customers and staff must wear face masks within the premises. We will continue at all times with the robust hygiene and cleaning routines already well established.
To manage and regulate customer numbers in the store at any one time we are operating an appointment system. If you would like to pre-book an appointment to make your visit to us as swift as possible and lessen any likelihood of waiting to be admitted, please let us know a convenient date and time either by email or through the appointments page on our website. Naturally we would hope appointments will run to time to avoid any wait outside but unfortunately cannot guarantee this for sure.
Apologies for these ‘ rules; it still seems a very strange way for us to be welcoming customers.
If you have any questions or wish to make an appointment please contact us by email at: info@michaelplatt.co.uk
Thank you for your ongoing support; we look forward to
seeing you in the shop very soon.
6th April 2021